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  • Writer's pictureTony Richards

As I start another decade

I am sitting in my office this morning reflecting upon my good fortune. My Facebook and Google+ pages clinking along with well wishes for my birthday from hundreds of friends, clients and colleagues while I enjoy the wonderful and thoughtful birthday breakfast from my wife, Ann Marie.

Last night, I just enjoyed my last night of my forties and preparing for this first morning of my fifties. I realize that is a wonderful destination of which I am unable nor unhappy to change, I am thankful I have been able to make this incredible journey for the most part in first class. I have had first class jobs, first class family, first class friends and first class opportunities to enjoy.

A friend texted me last week to tell me that the fifties are the new thirties. A most welcome piece of information indeed, if only a mental concept, surely not a physical one.

I believe myself to be a person who lives life to it’s fullest potential, and I don’t even consider an alternative. I believe in working on myself first before even thinking about working on someone else. I believe in leading myself first prior to giving thought to leading anyone else.

My Dad who will turn 70 this year does not even consider “retirement” an option and I can not conceive of myself ever entertaining that idea either. I have the hard work ethic of my Dad and the fun-loving nature of my Mom. As Gershwin wrote, “Who could ask for anything more?”

Every day is a chance to live fully. Let us live fully NOW. We can’t afford to postpone living. As long as I am on top of my game, I am going to play and play with vigor. I love speaking, teaching, sharing and encouraging leaders and business owners with every bit of energy and knowledge I have so they can be all they dreamed to be. I love our businesses and our people. I have the best clients on the planet, bar none. I have a wonderful wife who keeps me balanced and focused and that, my friends is sometimes a BIG job. 🙂

If the time ever comes when I can not be at the best level possible, I will quietly exit the stage to the left. That, my friends, will be a long, long time from now. I always have prided myself in working long and hard to be the very best in what I do and my plan is to do that with even more vigor over the next 10 years and beyond.

My thrilling and amazing journey continues into the start of another life decade for me.. My life is filled with the most amazing gifts a person could ever ask for. I am excited to play a role in building our companies for the future, helping our employees and clients reach their dreams, being an encouragement to those to need to take the next step from the known to the unknown, being the best husband, son, brother and friend anyone could hope for and improving myself as a human leader in this fantastic country on the planet Earth.

We can work the process and create the content that make up our lives.

Thanks to all for the birthday wishes and all you have contributed to help me accomplish my dreams.


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