Every person has the same access to the marketplace.
Every person has the same access to social media and the internet.
What sets individuals apart from one another is their identity, their reputation, in short, it’s their personal brand. Many times, your personal brand is the only sustainable advantage you have over anyone else in the market or anyone else who wants the same promotion as you.
Your personal brand is the promise of value your prospects, clients, friends, family, bosses and associates will receive from you. It’s also not necessarily what you say about yourself, but more importantly, what others say about you.
The process of effecting that is called personal branding.
Some best practices you can master in order to positively effect interactions between yourself and everyone in which you come in contact.
5 Powerful Best Practices For Personal Branding
Expertise: Know your stuff. Study. Be the best in your area! Freely share what you know, don’t make people jump through hoops to get the benefit of your knowledge.
Attitude: Have the attitude of helping others. Don’t hold back if you have the opportunity to show you care and can use your expertise to help someone.
Online lasts forever: If you post something online. It’s there forever. Shun negativity in all it’s forms. Be relentlessly positive. If you feel the need to rant, don’t do it online. It trashes your personal brand, no matter how much others cheer you on, 1000x that many wish you wouldn’t have said it.
Be community involved: You can’t do everything, but find a passionate few and do them exceptionally well. For example: I am highly involved in educating leaders in my community, I “own” those programs. I don’t do many other initiatives, but to those leadership progams I give them everything I have. It’s part of my brand.
Invite others to give you endorsements: Through social media, Linked In and such, allow others to say things you shouldn’t say about yourself. After all, that’s what is happening positively or negatively anyway, you are just showcasing it.
3 Power Personal Brand Questions
Name recognition: How quickly does your target customer or audience have recognition with you or your brand name?
Image: How are you perceived once recognition is achieved? If there is high recognition, but low positive perception, that can be a problem. High recognition and very positive perception can be powerful fuel for you.
Promise: How do people leave every interaction or meeting with you?
What impact do these elements and questions have on your personal brand? Using the previous 5 best practices and these 3 powerful elements, what changes or modifications do you think you should be making to shift your personal brand to a more powerful position?