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Writer's pictureTony Richards

14 Ways To Grow Yourself By Becoming More Organized

There are many benefits to becoming more organized. De-cluttering your life can help you with your self-management and studies have shown that the more organized and “together” you feel, you more your self-esteem rises to healthier levels. It really doesn’t take a lot to become more organized and the worst part is the beginning, which you may have to spend some time putting things away or in their proper place. After that, just spending somewhere between 15 and 30 minutes each day to manage your environment to keep it maintained.

Here are 14 things you can do to grow in this area:

  1. Clean up the small things around your house that add to your stress (small projects that need your attention like laundry or messy magazines)

  2. Clear off your countertops and put things away or throw them away

  3. Clear off your desk at work (file anything that needs filing or pitch it in the trash, digital should make this easier)

  4. Find stuff to get rid of (give it to someone, sell it or donate it)

  5. File your receipts, mail or bills

  6. Organize your digital stuff (clean off your computer desktop and file your emails)

  7. Throw away those gift coupons that have expired or re-gift the ones you are not going to use

  8. Collect all the dirty laundry and do some of it each day, then put it away

  9. When organizing your home do one room per day until it’s all finished

  10. Which household items need to be replaced or replenished regularly, make a spreadsheet schedule & stick to it

  11. Put things in the recycling bin

  12. Sign up for paperless delivery on bills & statements, then digitally file them

  13. Design a routine for where you put things when you walk in at home and when you arrive at the office (don’t just plop it down!)

  14. Put loose change in a plastic container in the console of your car or in the cabinet at home

I am sure you can add to our list with best practices of your own on how to get and stay organized!

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